12 Months Gastric Balloon Turkey Price 2023 | Op. Dr. Fırat Tutal
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12 Months Gastric Balloon

What is the 12 Months Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program?

The balloon stays in place for a duration, which may vary depending on the type of balloon and the specific program. In a 12-month program, the balloon may either stay in place for the entire period or be replaced at the halfway mark with a new balloon.

During this time, patients also typically follow a medically supervised diet and exercise program to help maximize weight loss and establish healthier lifestyle habits. This multifaceted approach helps to ensure both short-term and long-term success.

After the program concludes, the balloon is deflated and removed through another endoscopic procedure. The program usually also includes ongoing nutritional and psychological support to help maintain weight loss and a healthy lifestyle after the balloon has been removed.

It’s important to consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation before undergoing any weight-loss procedure. Gastric balloons are generally recommended for individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 30 and 40 who have had difficulty achieving or maintaining weight loss through diet and exercise alone. However, they are not suitable for everyone, and there can be side effects or complications, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, and, in rare cases, perforation of the stomach or esophagus.

How Does the 12 Months Gastric Balloon Help with Weight Loss?

The 12-month Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program takes a multifaceted strategy to helping patients shed excess pounds. The regimen often helps with weight reduction through the following means:

Because of the balloon’s presence, the stomach’s capacity is diminished. That cuts down on how much food you can eat at once.

Reduced Calorie Intake: When the balloon is inflated, it fills the stomach about halfway, making you feel full sooner after eating.

Eating Slowly and Mindfully: Feeling full sooner may prompt you to pay more attention to the food and timing of your meals.

A smaller stomach capacity forces you to eat less at each meal, which helps you learn to control your portion sizes even after the balloon is removed.

Reduced appetite makes it simpler to give up the bad eating behaviors that lead to weight gain, such as binge eating or compulsive nibbling.

Nutritional guidance: several plans provide regular sessions with a nutritionist to assist you alter your eating habits for the better.

The program often includes a personalized fitness plan to get you moving and rev your metabolism into high gear.

Frequent medical checkups are a standard element of many such plans so that any necessary tweaks may be made on the fly.

Faster weight reduction outcomes may give a significant psychological boost and increase motivation.

Behavioral therapy: Talk therapy may help you work through the psychological and emotional barriers to healthy eating.

Some facilities include support group meetings where participants may talk to others going through the same thing, share their own stories, and get insight from others who have been there.

Is the 12 Months Gastric Balloon a Safe and Effective Option?

An individual’s health, compliance with the program’s requirements, and responsiveness to therapy may all affect how well or how poorly the 12-month Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program works for them. Here is a rundown of the reliability and usefulness factors:

The gastric balloon is introduced endoscopically via the mouth, eliminating the need for surgical incisions and reducing the overall risk of the treatment.

The insertion procedure typically takes 20-30 minutes and may be done on an outpatient basis so that the patient can return home the same day.

Nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort are common side effects, particularly in the first several days as your body adapts to the balloon.

Balloon deflation, migration, and gastrointestinal perforation are among the rare but significant problems that may occur.

In most cases, the program will include regular checkups to detect and treat any issues as soon as they arise.

Avoid if you can: People with certain gastrointestinal problems, particularly big hiatal hernias, or pregnant women should not use it. It’s crucial to have a complete medical checkup.

Short-term weight loss effectiveness: While the balloon is in place, most patients experience considerable weight loss.

Improved eating habits, portion control, and regular physical activity are stressed throughout the program to provide the groundwork for sustainable weight loss.

When used in conjunction with other treatments, the balloon may help people lose weight temporarily before committing to more permanent surgical methods.

Depending on the person, weight reduction results might be rather different. Some people may have great success with it, while others may have trouble sticking to the program or may not lose as much weight as they had hoped.

Long-Term Success: Success in maintaining weight after the balloon is removed is more unpredictable and geerally relies on commitment to lifestyle modifications.

Although it is more affordable than surgical bariatric treatments, it is still a significant investment, and it may not be covered by all insurance policies.

What Are the Advantages of Choosing the 12 Months Gastric Balloon?

There are many people who might benefit from the 12-month Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program because of its many benefits. Some of the main benefits are as follows:

Infection, blood clots, and surgical site problems are less likely to occur with a non-surgical approach.

Since it is a non-invasive process, there will be no scarring.

Outpatient procedure with a shorter recovery time; in many cases, patients may go home the same day the balloon is implanted.

Rapid healing means that most individuals may resume their regular routines within a few days.

The program’s criteria are less stringent than those for surgical weight reduction treatments, therefore more people are eligible to participate.

Some individuals find it psychologically easier to undergo the process than surgery because of how less intrusive it is.

The balloon is useful for dietary retraining since it helps people eat less at each meal, eat more slowly, and overcome undesirable eating behaviors like bingeing.

You’ll get access to a team of professionals including dietitians, psychologists, and fitness trainers as part of the program who are all invested in seeing you succeed.

With a year to work with, you’ll have more time than with shorter programs to adjust to a new routine.

Goals Both Short-Term and Long-Term

Rapid Weight reduction: Many individuals report rapid weight reduction in the short term, which may be inspiring.

As a temporary measure, it may help you reach your goal weight before committing to a more permanent solution, or it can help you drop enough weight to qualify for a surgery that has stringent weight or health requirements.

Dietitians, psychologists, and medical specialists, among others, work together as part of a multidisciplinary team to provide a comprehensive approach to weight reduction.

Plans may be tailored to meet specific requirements, both in terms of nutrition and physical activity.

Gains in Mental Health

Achieving one’s weight reduction objectives may have a profoundly good effect on one’s sense of accomplishment and sense of well-being.

Success in the beginning might serve as a powerful incentive for further health improvements.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for the 12 Months Gastric Balloon Program?

Evaluating potential participants in a Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program that lasts for 12 months is a complex medical procedure. While everyone isn’t a perfect fit for this surgery, there are several common traits that often indicate a suitable candidate:

Body mass index (BMI) applicants typically have a BMI between 30 and 40, while the exact range varies across programs.

Obesity-related health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea may benefit greatly from weight reduction, however it is not required for treatment.

Previous Efforts to Reduce Weight

People who have tried losing weight via food and exercise without success may want to give this method a try.

Ideal candidates may not have had any prior surgeries and may not be suitable for bariatric surgery.

Preparedness, Mental

Candidates should be ready, willing, and able to make the necessary modifications to their diet and exercise routines to meet the program’s goals.

Expectations should be reasonable so that one knows what to expect from the software and what it cannot do.

Other Medical Factors

Candidates should be in generally good health so that they may safely undertake endoscopic operations for balloon insertion and deflation.

Candidates should not have any major gastrointestinal issues, such as Crohn’s disease, a big hiatal hernia, or a history of stomach surgery.

Don’t Drink or Use Drugs: Substance addiction undermines recovery efforts.

Extra Information

Women who are pregnant or who intend to get pregnant during the program’s 12-month duration should not participate.

Having a solid network of people who believe in and support you is essential to successfully adjusting your lifestyle.

Can I Maintain an Exercise Routine During the 12 Months Gastric Balloon Program?

During the 12-month Gastric Balloon Program, exercise is recommended as part of a comprehensive strategy for weight reduction. In addition to the calorie restriction afforded by the gastric balloon, regular physical exercise promotes weight reduction and overall health. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

When and how you exercise is crucial

Immediately after balloon implantation, you can feel queasy or sick to your stomach. It’s best to wait until your symptoms have subsided and your doctor has given you the all-clear before starting an exercise program during this time of transition.

After getting used to the balloon and getting the all-clear from your doctor, you may start exercising again, starting with low-impact activities like walking or swimming.

Seek the Advice of Experts: A healthcare practitioner or trained fitness instructor versed in bariatric interventions may help you design a safe and effective exercise program.

Gains from weight loss that’s facilitated by exercise: When paired with the calorie restriction of the balloon, weight loss via exercise may be accelerated.

Muscle Tone: Regular exercise may help you maintain or gain muscle mass, which helps counteract the weakness that might result from losing weight rapidly.

The endorphins released during exercise have been shown to boost mood, lessen stress, and make it easier to deal with the mental or emotional reasons that may be contributing to your weight gain.

Tune Into Your System: Having the balloon about might be annoying, particularly if you’re doing anything physically demanding. Listen to your body and make necessary adjustments to your workout routine based on how you’re feeling.

Even if the balloon limits what you may consume, you should still pay attention to your water intake, particularly if you plan on engaging in strenuous physical exercise.

Stay away from Extreme Exercises Initially: High-intensity activities may be too hard as your body readjusts to a reduced calorie diet. Begin your workout routine slowly and gradually increase the intensity when you feel ready.

Maintenance Exams: Your food and exercise regimen may be subject to monitoring by your healthcare professionals to ensure they are having the desired impact and are not creating any unwanted side effects.

Modify as Necessary: In light of your current weight, health, and the advice of your healthcare professionals, you may need to make some adjustments to your workout regimen.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect from the 12 Months Gastric Balloon?

Many variables, including starting weight, program adherence, metabolic rate, and general lifestyle modifications, might affect how much weight a person loses in a 12-month Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Program. Some baseline assumptions are as follows.

Short-Term Weight Loss: Most patients lose a large amount of weight in the first few months, mostly as a result of the balloon’s physical limitation and lower calorie intake.

Over the course of a year, significant weight reduction is possible, however the actual amount varies from person to person. Depending on the study, people may shed anywhere from 25% to 50% of their extra weight.

Transforming One’s Habits

When people become more aware of their eating habits, they tend to eat less, make better food choices, and reduce their portion sizes.

The program’s emphasis on exercise often translates into a more active way of life even after it concludes.

Potential health advantages include reduced blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure, which is particularly helpful for individuals who also struggle with diseases like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Losing weight may relieve pressure on your weight bearing joints, allowing you to move more freely and with less discomfort.

Achieving one’s weight reduction objectives might boost one’s confidence and improve one’s view of one’s physique.

Success at first may serve as a powerful incentive to keep up the good work and live a healthier lifestyle in the long run.

After the balloon is removed, the success of the program in sustaining weight reduction rests heavily on the patient’s willingness to make permanent behavioral adjustments.

After the removal, continuing with a regimen of healthy eating and regular exercise, as well as any necessary behavioral counseling, may help ensure the patient’s continued success.

The gastric balloon is a help to weight reduction rather than a magic bullet. Your dedication to making these changes will determine the extent to which you succeed.

Negative Reactions: Nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain are possible negative reactions, particularly at the beginning of treatment.