Allurion Turkey Price 2023 | Op. Dr. Fırat Tutal
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What is Allurion and How Does it Work?

The Elipse Balloon is a soft balloon that is placed inside the stomach. Once in the stomach, it’s filled with fluid, which allows it to take up space in the stomach. This induces a feeling of fullness, helping the patient to eat less and, consequently, lose weight.


Placement: The balloon is contained inside a capsule that the patient swallows. An external X-ray is used to confirm the capsule’s location in the stomach. Once confirmed, the balloon is filled with fluid through a thin catheter attached to the capsule. After filling, the catheter is detached and removed, leaving the balloon inside the stomach.

Duration: The balloon remains in the stomach for about 4 months. Over this period, it promotes a sensation of fullness, aiding in portion control and weight loss.

Automatic Deflation: A unique feature of the Elipse Balloon is that it’s designed to deflate on its own after approximately 16 weeks.

Excretion: Once deflated, the balloon is naturally excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.


Non-Invasive: Unlike other intragastric balloons, the Elipse Balloon doesn’t require endoscopy or anesthesia for placement or removal, making it a less invasive option.

Short Procedure Time: The entire placement process is relatively quick, often completed in under 20 minutes.

Support: Patients typically receive dietary and lifestyle advice along with the balloon to optimize weight loss results.


As with all medical procedures, there can be potential side effects. Common side effects can include nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting, especially in the initial days after placement.

It’s essential to remember that the balloon is a temporary and supportive measure. Maintaining weight loss will require long-term dietary and lifestyle changes.

Is Allurion a Safe and Effective Weight Loss Solution?

The Allurion Elipse Balloon is advantageous since it does not need invasive procedures like surgery, endoscopy, or anesthesia for insertion or removal. This lessens the dangers connected with invasive medical treatments like surgery and endoscopy.

Clinical trials have demonstrated that the Elipse Balloon, when placed in the stomach for a period of four months, may lead to considerable weight reduction. Loss of body fat and increases in positive health indicators are common side effects for patients.

Lifestyle Counseling and Modifications/Monitoring The balloon is often used in conjunction with a more extensive weight control program. This all-encompassing strategy has been shown to improve weight reduction success.

Threats to Your Health ad Safety

Nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort are the most often reported adverse effects, and they tend to occur soon after balloon insertion. These negative effects often subside as the patient’s body gets used to the balloon.

Balloon deflation and migration, which might cause intestinal blockage, are uncommon but possible consequences. It’s important to be on the lookout for warning signs like protracted stomach pain or other odd discomfort and to get medical help right away if you experience any of these.

Solution Temporary: The balloon is intended to deflate and move normally via the gastrointestinal track after being in the stomach for around 4 months. So, the patient’s commitment to their new eating and exercise habits will determine how well they can keep the weight off in the long run.

What Makes Allurion’s Approach to Weight Loss Different?

When compared to other weight reduction procedures, Allurion’s method, especially the Elipse Balloon, stands out for a number of reasons:

The Elipse Balloon is an intragastric balloon that, unlike other intragastric balloons, may be placed and removed without resorting to invasive endoscopy or surgery. This eliminates the need for invasive medical procedures like general anesthesia, surgery, or endoscopy, saving time and discomfort for the patient.

The Elipse Balloon remains in the stomach for around 4 months, however its presence is just temporary. Because of its short-term nature, it is best used as a jumping-off point for a weight reduction program that also includes behavioral and nutritional adjustments.

The balloon’s ability to collapse on its own once its allotted time has passed means fewer surgical procedures are required to remove it.

Allurion’s holistic approach to weight reduction is often emphasized. In addition to the balloon, patients are often provided with nutritional guidance, behavioral treatment, and ongoing monitoring and adjustment as needed. The best possible results and sustained performance need this comprehensive strategy.

Allurion’s program includes some digital health features, thus the company is clearly on the cutting edge. Some plans, for instance, include a digital scale and an app to help you monitor your progress, establish targets, and get dietary advice.

Safety Features: The balloon’s construction lessens the likelihood of issues including intestinal blockage and migration, which may occur with conventional intragastric balloons. However, no medical operation is risk-free, and patients should be made aware of the possibility of unpleasant aftereffects.

People who want to lose a lot of weight without having to receive surgery or general anesthesia are the perfect candidates for the Elipse Balloon. It may be a stepping stone for those who aren’t ready for or are apprehensive about more drastic bariatric treatments.

What are the Benefits of the Allurion Weight Loss Program?

The Elipse Balloon is the cornerstone of the Allurion Weight management Program, which takes a novel approach to weight management and has several useful side effects.

The Elipse Balloon is the only intragastric balloon that may be placed and removed without the need for surgery, endoscopy, or anesthesia. This drastically reduces the potential complications and recuperation time of more intrusive operations.

Clinical research and studies have demonstrated that patients who use the Elipse Balloon lose a significant amount of weight during the course of the balloon’s placement duration of four months.

Reduces Calorie Intake by Making You Feel Full Quickly The balloon works by taking up space in the stomach, making you feel full on less calories.

Allurion’s programs often include medical checkups, behavioral treatment, and nutritional guidance. With this all-encompassing strategy, patients are not only helped to shed excess pounds, but also taught how to keep them off.

Some Allurion plans include a smart scale and mobile app as part of their digital health offerings. Patients may keep tabs on their progress, make objectives, get dietary recommendations, and maintain their motivation with the use of these technologies.

Elipse Balloons are temporary and completely safe; after being in the stomach for approximately 4 months, they deflate and are eliminated by the body. Due to the transient nature of these effects, the digestive system is not permanently altered, as is the case with surgical operations.

Potential Health Benefits Lowering excess body fat often results in lower levels of risk factors including cholesterol and blood sugar. These and additional health advantages may be seen by patients who lose weight with the Elipse Balloon.

Beyond the obvious health advantages, considerable weight reduction also has a good effect on one’s sense of self, one’s view of one’s body, and one’s outlook on life as a whole.

The Elipse Balloon may be a transitional treatment for those who are interested in more extensive bariatric surgery but are afraid or want to try a less invasive option first. If the balloon is effective, it may encourage some patients to try further treatments or to stick to their new healthy habits indefinitely.

What is the cost of Allurion pill?

Geographic Location: The cost of medical procedures and interventions often varies by country and even within regions of the same country due to differences in healthcare systems, import fees, and local market dynamics.

Included Services: The price might not only cover the balloon itself but also other components of the weight loss program. This can include dietary counseling, follow-up appointments, digital health tools (like the smart scale and app), and other support services. Some providers might offer comprehensive packages, while others might charge for individual services.

Healthcare Provider: Different clinics or providers might have varying pricing structures based on their expertise, reputation, facility amenities, and other factors.

Insurance Coverage: In some cases, parts of the program or the balloon might be covered by health insurance if deemed medically necessary. The extent of coverage can significantly impact out-of-pocket costs.

Is the balloon pill safe?

Non-Invasive: One of the primary safety benefits of the Elipse Balloon is that it doesn’t require surgery, endoscopy, or anesthesia for placement or removal. This significantly reduces risks associated with more invasive procedures.

Temporary Nature: The balloon is designed to be in the stomach for about 4 months, after which it deflates and is naturally excreted. This transient nature means that, unlike surgical interventions, there are no permanent alterations to the digestive system.

Clinically Tested: The balloon has undergone clinical trials, which have demonstrated its safety and efficacy for weight loss in selected patients.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Common Side Effects: Many patients experience nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain in the initial days after balloon placement. These side effects are generally temporary and resolve as the body adjusts to the balloon. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to manage these symptoms.

Balloon Deflation: While rare, there’s a potential risk that the balloon might deflate prematurely. If this happens, the deflated balloon could migrate and cause an obstruction, which could require medical intervention. However, the design of the Elipse Balloon seeks to minimize this risk by ensuring that it’s small enough to be naturally excreted if deflation occurs.

Intolerance: Some individuals may not tolerate the balloon and might require early removal.

Other Risks: As with any intragastric balloon, there’s a potential for gastric ulcers, erosions, or other gastric complications. Though rare, patients should be informed of these potential risks.

Is Allurion balloon worth it?

The “worth it” of the Allurion Elipse Balloon is conditional on each person’s unique set of requirements, goals, and health status. Here are some things to think about while assessing its worth:

The balloon may be placed or removed without resorting to invasive medical procedures like surgery, endoscopy, or general anesthesia, making it a more accessible and safer alternative to open surgery.

Many individuals lose a considerable amount of weight during the balloon’s four-month stay in the stomach.

Reduces Calorie Intake: The balloon makes people feel full on less food, which might be helpful for dieting.

To help patients stay motivated and on track with their weight reduction goals, the Allurion program often includes nutritional counseling, behavioral therapy, and monthly follow-up consultations.

Incorporating digital health tools, such as a smart scale and an app, may serve as a source of inspiration and ameans of keeping tabs on your progress.

Constraints and Future Research

The balloon’s stay in the stomach is relatively temporary, lasting about 4 months at most. Maintaining a healthy weight over time requires a dedication to making behavioral and nutritional adjustments.

The Elipse Balloon and its accompanying software may need a substantial outlay of cash. Although it’s more affordable than most surgical procedures, it’s still more costly than many non-invasive options.

Many people are able to acclimatize effectively, but there is always the chance that they might encounter unwanted negative effects.

Results May Vary Because: Your mileage may vary. Outcomes may be affected by a variety of variables, including the individual’s metabolism, adherence to dietary requirements, and use of support services.

Consistent dietary and lifestyle modifications are required for successful weight reduction and mainennce once the balloon is reoved.

Long-Term Upkeep: Some people may regain weight after the balloon is deflated if they do not continue to practice good nutrition and physical activity habits.

What are the side effects of the Allurion?

The Allurion Elipse Balloon is an intragastric balloon that may be swallowed for non-surgical weight reduction. It has the potential adverse effects of any medical treatment. Although many patients had positive experiences with the Elipse Balloon, others have reported the following adverse reactions:

Some individuals report feeling sick after having the balloon inserted. Most people experience this in the first few days after installation, but it usually fades as the body adapts. Medication to prevent nausea and vomiting may be administered for this condition.

Another frequent negative effect is abdominal pain or discomfort, which often subsides as the body adjusts to the balloon.

Patients may respond to the balloon’s presence in the stomach by experiencing indigestion or heartburn.

After around four months, the Elipse Balloon will deflate on its own and travel through the digestive system without causing any harm. The balloon might deflate on its own sooner than expected, though. The balloon is designed to reduce the chance of it deflating prematurely and passing into the intestines, where it might potentially create a blockage.

Any foreign substance, including an intragastric balloon, placed within the stomach increases the chance of developing gastric ulcers or erosions. Although uncommon, it’s nevertheless a risk you should be aware of.

Inflammation of the stomach lining, or gastritis, might develop as a result of the balloon’s presence.

A small percentage of people may have adverse reactions to the balloon and need to have it removed early.

Some individuals may get dehydrated because they are unable to keep fluids down because of symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Keep drinking water, and if dehydration symptoms persist, visit a doctor.

Due to the balloon’s intended effect of reducing food intake, an individual may run the danger of being malnourished. This risk may be reduced by following dietary recommendations and perhaps using supplements.